A 6-month mastermind for wedding and elopement photographers who are craving time, financial, and energetic FREEDOM within their business

Biz With Boundaries

If there was a proven, step-by-step way to have a thriving photography business that you are 100% in control of,

that gives you the time, financial, and energetic FREEDOM you’re dreaming of without having to work 24/7, take on every client that inquires with you, and burning out…

Life-defining question for wedding and elopement photographers who, despite putting so much time, effort, and money into their photography skills and gear, STILL don’t have a thriving business:

Would you redirect alllll the energy you’re currently putting into social media, looking at other photographers for inspo, chasing down wrong-for-you clients, and driving to sessions that are paying you way too low…

And instead put your energy into the proven thing that’s going to help you reach your biggest business goals and dreams?

If you’re yelling YES, or at least nodding your head verrrry enthusiastically right now, then welcome.

If you’re yelling YES,
or at least nodding
your head verrrry enthusiastically right now, then welcome.

You’re in the right place

You’ve been working at your photography business for a few years, and if there’s one thing you can say for certain:

You’re burnt out. Big time.

You’ve spent so much time and energy upgrading your photography skills, nailing down your signature style, and you’ve spent so much money on gear.

You’ve been hustling away thinking that at some point, eventually, your photography skills will sell themselves and have high-paying clients running to your inquiry form.

But that hasn’t been the case.

YES, you’ve been getting clients but you work hard to get every. single. one. It’s not easy, it’s not predictable, and you’re constantly getting on calls with price shoppers and hagglers.

No wonder you’re burnt out!

Fall 2023




So I’m wondering if, in addition to the burnout, this also sounds familiar to you:


You cringe when you have to get on consultation calls, and you especially hate the part where you have to talk about your prices because it makes you feel salesy (and it also makes you scared to raise your prices because omg… imagine having to say an even HIGHER number??)


When it comes time to make business decisions like putting together packages or writing copy for your website, your first move is to look at what everyone else is doing and make decisions based on what you find. 


You feel like your business is in control of you 100% of the time. You’re working in it all the time. You don’t have time to do the things you love like spending time with your family or traveling, because…


You have some workflows and systems set up, but you’re still doing a LOT of things manually for each client - which means not only are you putting in a TON of hours for every client, but each client gets a slightly different client experience and it’s not consistent


Your calendar for this year? Not fully booked yet. And that makes you spiral and fills you with self-doubt…


…Which makes you say yes to pretty much every inquiry that lands in your inbox, because you feel like you can’t say no to the money even if their budget is too low, or the client has some red flags.


You want to be a $5K photographer but you don’t feel like you’re worth that yet. You also don’t know what else to do to become worth it.


You’re constantly checking your inbox and wondering “why haven’t I got an inquiry in the last few days/weeks?” But you don’t actually know what to do to get inquiries, so you go do a post on Instagram so that it feels like you’re doing something. (zero shade-I’ve been there)

It makes you feel so defeated.

You’ve been doing so much, and trying so many things, that you’re sitting there wondering “what else can I do at this point?”

Yet you think ahead to the future - wanting to travel more, starting a family - and you know that you won’t be able to do that AND have a business that controls you and takes up so much of your time and energy.


My friend, I get it, I really do. I’ve been exactly where you are right now, and I know exactly how frustrated and overwhelmed you are with your business. But it’s not just you and I who have experienced this!

After mentoring wedding industry photographers for the past 2 years, I’ve noticed some trends.

There are three major reasons why photographers stay stuck in burnout, unable to hit the business goals or achieve the freedom they’re dreaming of:

No personalized business strategy

You’re guilty if:

  • You based your packages and/or prices on what others in your niche/area had on their website…

  • You look to others for inspiration when you need to write content for social and your website…

  • You see a successful photog doing something and your first thought is that you should do that, too.

aka - you look to others to see what they’re doing instead of digging to find what works for YOU

No tangible marketing techniques (or tracking)

Raise your hand if:

  • You post just to post and cross your fingers that it’ll bring in inquiries...

  • You get stressed about a lack of inquiries and your first thought is to put something out on social media…

  • And if you can’t look back at your inquiries and know for sure how they found you and why they chose to inquire with YOU.

aka - you don’t know what to say to get clients, and you don’t know where they came from when you do!

A huge scarcity mindset

This is you if:

  • You don’t turn down inquiries that aren’t aligned because you can’t say no to money.

  • And whenever you see someone posting that they made 6-figures, you honestly don’t believe them (or you think they definitely worked themselves almost to death to make it happen)

aka - you don’t believe your biz can be easy and/or actually make 6-figures each year

Feeling seen right now?
That’s actually great news, because these are all completely fixable!

(Did you just sigh with relief? Good 🖤)

You can have a successful photography business that you are 100% in control of, that gives you the FREEDOM you’re dreaming of.

The best part about freedom is that it gets to look however YOU want it to look! So let's dream about it for a second.

Or is it…

simply not being chained to your desk, sleeping in when you need to, and working when you feel like working?

Does freedom look like…

booking 20-25 weddings at a price point you’re CONFIDENT and proud of, saying no to clients that don’t feel aligned, and getting through ‘busy season’ with energy left at the end?

Or is it…

being able to take random days off, treat your mom to breakfast, meet your girlfriend for a spa day, and your husband for afternoon drinks on a whim?

Or, perhaps, is freedom… all of these things combined, coming together to form a dream business and life that you absolutely LOVE?

having the time and money to travel for several months every year?

Or is it…

a business that doesn’t require your constant attention but still runs smoothly in the background, bringing dream inquiries into your inbox, while you’re living your life?

Does freedom look like…

working part-time hours but making a full-time income?


But here’s the truth: In order to get there,

You have to start treating your business like a BUSINESS

The great news is that this CAN be your reality.

Which is EXACTLY what you’ll do inside:

…And crafting a customized business strategy that encompasses every dream and wish that you have for YOUR business and life (not someone else’s) so that you can work smarter and not harder.

Implementing tangible marketing tactics and strategies to consistently show up in front of your dream clients, and say what they need to hear in order to fall in love with you (and therefore fill out your inquiry form)...

Dropping the scarcity mindset that makes you say yes to every single inquiry and is keeping your prices low…


Biz With Boundaries

A 6-month mastermind for wedding and elopement photographers who are craving time, financial, and energetic FREEDOM within their business…

…and are ready to start treating their business like an actual BUSINESS

Biz With Boundaries will show you exactly how to implement tangible marketing tactics and strategies, drop your scarcity mindset, and craft a customized business strategy that encompasses every dream and wish that you have for YOUR business and life.

Paired with personalized coaching and support from not one but three coaches, actionable to-do’s at every step, plus homework reviews, this mastermind has literally everything you need to show up confidently inside your business - so you can make your biggest business (and life) goals come true!

Hi friend, I’m Kelsey!

And let me be clear: I tell you that with soooo much love, and zero shade. I promise you, I’ve been exactly where you are.

I was hustling away in my photography business wondering when exactly the freedom was going to kick in. I waited, waited, kept hustling, kept upgrading my gear and photography skills, waited and hustled some more…

And then I realized that something needed to change.

It got to a point where I knew freedom wasn’t going to just happen - I had to MAKE it happen.

So I learned everything that I needed to learn about running a photography BUSINESS, and it all clicked: this is why I wasn’t getting anywhere and why I was SO burnt out.

It's me! Your adventure and biz buddy!

Who am I to tell you to start treating your business like an actual business?

Here’s my journey over the last 3 years: 


Continued treating my business like a business


No business burnout

29 elopements

6 adventure sessions


NOT treating my business like a business


Burnt the F out 😭

43 adventure elopements

12 adventure sessions


Started treating my business like a business


Zero burnout

30 elopements

9 adventure sessions

Once I started treating my business like a business, you can see that the amount I worked actually went DOWN but my income went UP

“Where do I even begin?! Kelsey's Biz with Boundaries was the best decision I have made in a long time. I knew that Kels was full of knowledge + expertise, but the information she gave us absolutely blew me away! Not only were the lessons packed with valuable details, but they also had actionable steps along with homework that really pushes you to get things done. It was a game changer learning how to grow my business from the ground up in a sustainable + professional way. She also really instills the importance of creating a job that allows you to enjoy life + your people in it. Another amazing part is how much Kels truly cares about her students succeeding. It's evident in the time + effort she put into each lesson, call, and mentor session. I really looked forward to the Monday night calls every week + am forever grateful for the friendships I have made throughout this process. If you are on the fence about joining Kelsey's Biz with Boundaries class, just DO IT. You won't regret it!!

- Erica Warren


I definitely was hesitant about investing in my business but Kelsey Converse made every single penny worth it. It’s scary to take a chance on yourself…but truthfully, if you don’t invest in yourself, why should your clients invest in you, right? The support Kelsey gives throughout the program is unlike any other workshop or class I’ve ever taken. I’ve paid for workshops and courses where I felt like they weren’t geared toward my business or I felt like the person running could’ve cared less if my business died or thrived. Kelsey truly wants you to win. She wants you to identify your goals and helps guide you to take the steps needed to achieve them. She’s amazing. She allowed me to learn in a way that made sense for me…I learn by doing and the way the course was set up, I was able to ask questions and seek help, support and feedback that pushed me out of my comfort zone to really hone in on the core and the foundation of my business and to really identify my purpose.

I learned so much about myself and my where I wanted my business to go. Kels is honestly the cheerleader I didn’t know I needed to take my business and move it forward and create the life I’ve been wanting. If you’re looking to finally take actionable steps to make your business better, more efficient and learn so much more in between, I’d highly recommend working with Kelsey over and over again. Just do it.”

- Kara Consigli

"The support Kelsey gives throughout the program is unlike any other workshop or class I’ve ever taken."

Here’s everything you get when you join Biz With Boundaries:




Submit your homework to me and receive personalized feedback and guidance to ensure that everything you’re putting into your business is as effective as possible.


Homework reviews 

as you’re working through the program modules, implementing the materials, getting on sales calls with dream clients, signing new clients at your highest prices yet (and everything in between) - post about it in the Slack channel to receive feedback and get cheered on by the coaches and your fellow mastermind members.

Daily coaching support (Mon - Fri) via Slack

10x action-oriented modules with no fluff (who has time for fluff these days). Each module has education and implementation steps that move you further along the path to success and freedom. The best part? Each lesson inside each module is MAX 30 minutes long to avoid overwhelm.

The Biz With Boundaries program (lifetime access) 

Hold yourself accountable with these LIVE coaching calls with me. On these calls, we will dive deeper into any topics you are having challenges with. We also take a “hot seat” approach that ensures YOU get direct coaching time, which gets you unstuck and keeps you moving forward.

12+ Live group coaching calls 




you don’t have to go at this alone. Inside BwB, you’ll be connected with the most amazing group of photographers that will cheer you on and support you through this journey!


A tight-knit community of wedding industry photographers

Ready for implementation to be the easiest thing ever? I give you spreadsheets, templates, worksheets, trackers, calendars, and more to ensure that you actually get everything DONE and put it to work in your business as quick and easy as you possibly can.

All the resources possible

In addition to receiving feedback and support from me (Kelsey), you’ll have two incredible support coaches answering your questions and giving tailored feedback to your homework and everything you implement.

Support coaches

Two guest speakers will join us LIVE and lead us through a wedding photography-specific business training. Past speakers have included a Certified Personal Accountant (hi, saving money and not going to tax jail!) and a Brand Strategist (oh hi, standing out to your ideal client and looking way good doing it!)

2X guest speakers

“I truly rebuilt my business from the ground up and it was so freaking worth it. I feel so much more confident in my client communications, who I want my clients to be, the base of my website, where I want my business to continue to grow, and myself.”

“I seriously could not recommend this course (and Kels) enough. Even coming into BwB being an "experienced" photographer I knew I was going to learn a lot but I wasn't expecting to learn SO much”

10 modules with lessons under 30 minutes (no fluff). Actionable to-do’s + easy-to-implement resources. Homework submissions.

Let’s take an in-depth look at each module inside the Biz With Boundaries program:

YOUR road to freedom

We kick off by crafting YOUR personalized roadmap for success in the wedding and elopement photography industry. We’ll define your goals, values, and aspirations, and align them with actionable steps and timelines to create a clear pathway toward achieving your vision.


Module 10

Automation + Systems

Module 9

View All Modules

Module 8

SEO + Blogging

Module 7

YOUR Intentional Business StrategY

Module 6

Sell without selling

Module 5

Fun with Finances

Module 4

Marketing 101

Module 3

Your 5 Star Client Experience

Module 2


Module 1

Marketing 201

Module 1: The Foundations

We need to make sure that you’re building your business on foundations that YOU love - so that’s exactly what we do in Module 1. We’ll get deep into who you are, and what your brand is surrounded by. This is your why, the goals and vision you have for your life, and identifying your ideal client avatar.

This module lays the groundwork for most of what lies ahead, and once you come out on the other side, you’ll be soooo excited about the life and business you’re working towards - because it’s officially your dream, and YOUR DREAM only!

Module 2: Your 5 Star Client Experience

  • Workflow Worksheet - a rundown of the main workflows that your business NEEDS to support your clients at every step (and save you HOURS of time)

  • Questionnaire Templates - so you know what to ask, and when, in order to get the information you need from your clients to make all their dreams come true

In Module 2, you’re going to design an exceptional client journey that you’re excited to deliver on with every single client. It involves understanding client expectations, crafting personalized experiences (without giving a brand new experience to each client), and fostering meaningful connections with your clients.

We’ll ensure that you not only meet but exceed your clients expectations - so that they can’t help but tell everyone they know to hire you, and you receive rave reviews on Google after every single wedding or elopement.

Resources included:

Module 3: Marketing 101

  • Styled Shoot Checklist - in order to bring in more of your dream clients, you need to showcase your dream clients (and dream weddings/elopements) in your content! This checklist will help you set up your own styled shoot so you can capture content that represents your dream clients (cause there’s nothing worse than getting home from a styled shoot and realizing you didn’t actually get what you need!

Posting just to post? Not sure what to say to get couples to go to your website and fill out your inquiry form? That will no longer be your life after this module (phew!) I’ll teach you the foundational principles of marketing for photographers, which involves understanding how to speak directly to your target market, refining your brand message, and developing a marketing plan aligned with your business goals.

You’ll get yourself set up on Google, know exactly what you need to put on your website, learn how to set up styled shoots to build a portfolio that actually draws new clients in, and start to focus on community building!

Resources included:

Module 4: Fun with Finances

  • Cost Of Doing Business spreadsheet - this spreadsheet is already populated with all the formulas you need, so all you have to do is fill in your numbers and the spreadsheet will do the rest! It’ll tell you what you need to charge to make a profit, and how to organize all your finances.

Money can be overwhelming when you start your business but in order to reach 6-figures and make a profit, it’s something you need to pay attention to! The good news is that it’s really not a hard thing to do. Using my CODB Spreadsheet, we’ll figure out your CODB (cost of doing business) and organize your business finances for success.

From there, you’ll learn how to strategically set pricing structures that reflect your value, cover costs, and generate profit with every single booking no matter how far you have to travel for it. I also give you various pricing models so you can choose the one that feels best for you, and show you how to communicate pricing effectively to clients so that they see the value you’re bringing to their day so they don’t experience sticker-shock when they see your rates.

Resources included:

Module 5: Sell without selling

The worst part of selling your photography services is when you feel like you’re actually selling - yuck. Thanks to module 5, you won’t feel like that anymore! I show you the most effective sales techniques tailored specifically to the photography industry… from consultation strategies, to how to communicate your value, to following up after your consultations.

We focus on converting inquiries into bookings while maintaining professionalism and doing it all in a way that aligns with your values and the way that feels best for YOU to sell.

Module 6: YOUR Intentional Business Strategy

Module 6 is where we can really start to take control and build a business that gives us more freedom in our lives. What do you want your business to look like? What about your personal life? Once you’ve answered those questions, you’re going to create intentional business goals that support your vision, and then build your calendar around those goals. We’ll look at what you need to achieve, and by when, and create your plan from there!

This module will guide you to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals to drive business growth and personal development.

Module 7: SEO + Blogging

SEO + Blogging is one of the most important, long-term investments you can make into your business. It’ll help you show up on Google in front of your dream clients for YEARS to come (you definitely can’t say that about Insta posts or TikToks).

In Module 7, you’ll learn how to use SEO and blogging to increase your online visibility and drive more traffic to your site… so you get more inquiries! You’ll learn how to optimize content for search engines and create engaging blog posts that your clients want to read - so it builds their trust in you and prompts them to reach out through your inquiry form.

Module 8: Marketing 201

In Module 8, we dive deeper into more specialized marketing strategies and tactics, such as social media marketing, content creation, ads, and Pinterest - all tailored to the photography industry.

These tactics will help you expand your reach so you can show up in front of even more of your ideal clients, and stand out as the true expert and go-to photographer amongst the sea of photographers who aren’t implementing these tactics - which means your ideal clients are gonna trust you and choose you time and time again.

Module 9: Automation + Systems

Remember when we talked about doing everything manually for every single client? After Module 9, that’s gonna stop - for good. I show you how to streamline your processes and create efficient workflows to enhance productivity and save you HOURS every single week while still delivering the highest quality, 5-star service to your clients.

You’ll design your own systematic approaches for shoots, editing, client communication, and project management so that it truly fits the way that you love to run your business and support your clients.

We also talk about outsourcing to get your time back - so you can be CEO of your company and focus on the big, important tasks, and not an employee doing all the little things that don’t actually need to be done by you.

Module 10: Upselling

This module will be one of the best skills you learn - how to offer additional value or services to existing clients! Your existing clients are the easiest people to sell to, and doing so will help you maximize your revenue per client WHILE your clients feel extremely supported and taken care of by you because you’re literally doing more things for them that they’re looking for. You’ll learn how to sell things like prints and albums, timeline building, and more - without feeling pushy or salesy.

It’s time to add more money to your bottom line while increasing the level of support you offer to your clients! It’s going to be a gamechanger for you.

Let’s get you where you want to go - faster - with these bonuses:

Business Planning Spreadsheet

This is really like 5 bonuses in 1 - it includes an inquiry tracker, metrics tracker, yearly calendar, and session tracker! This spreadsheet will help you understand your metrics and numbers so that you can make strategic decisions about your business based on data and facts, not guessing!


Monthly Marketing Strategy Calendar

A systematic spreadsheet that focuses on building your marketing strategy around your goals and ideal client. This allows you to be more intentional with your marketing strategy, and proactive with working towards your goals rather than constantly being reactive (and “posting just to post something”)


Canned Email Guide

This is going to make your life SO much easier! This bonus guides you through writing the perfect emails you need throughout your entire client experience. I tell you exactly what should be in each email, so that you can run with that and put it in your very own voice. It saves you time, while also staying true to you so that you don’t sound like everyone else.


$129 Value

$99 Value

$79 Value

“Where do I begin? I met Kelsey for the first time in February when I attended one of her workshops and was immediately drawn to how open she was with us about her business and all of her processes. When I found out about Biz with Boundaries, I knew I couldn't pass up the opportunity to learn from her. Throughout the course, Kelsey remained that same open book, deep digging, cheerleader mentor that she was at the workshop. You can ask Kelsey ANYTHING and it's guaranteed she will give you a full and in depth description via text, video, or voice memo. Having someone to answer ALL of my questions really propelled my business in the right direction and saved me so much time. I truly believe I would have been working on my client experience process for the next year or longer if I didn't invest in this course. Kelsey's dedication to her mentors is unmatched and I am forever grateful to have met such an incredible photographer, business owner, and human.”

- Jenna Aulabaugh

“Having someone to answer ALL of my questions really propelled my business in the right direction and saved me so much time.”

“I seriously could not recommend this course (and Kels) enough. Even coming into BwB being an "experienced" photographer I knew I was going to learn a lot but I wasn't expecting to learn SO much. I truly rebuilt my business from the ground up and it was so freaking worth it. I feel so much more confident in my client communications, who I want my clients to be, the base of my website, where I want my business to continue to grow, and myself. My big reason for taking Biz with Boundaries was to push myself into FINALLY moving into photography full time. This has 100% given me the push in the right direction to be set up for success as a full time photographer.

Now Kels, the mastermind herself. Holy moly. I was never someone that enjoyed school or sought out learning opportunities when I was younger but Kels has changed my entire perspective. She's incredibly kind, patient, and brilliant. She's also your biggest supporter through the entire course (and beyond). She knows her stuff and I'm beyond thrilled I was lucky enough to learn from her. There is so much valuable information I was able to take from this and continue to reflect on and only learn more. If you're looking for a mentor, you seriously don't need to look anywhere else - Kels is it.

- Kathryn Poudyal

“Coming into BwB being an "experienced" photographer I knew I was going to learn a lot but I wasn't expecting to learn SO much.”

let me introduce you to your incredible support coaches:

Bridget Stephenson: Support Coach & Community Manager Extraordinaire

Bridget has been personally coached by me for the last three years — she’s taken everything I taught her and paired it with everything she learned in college to go from $30k a year to a well over 6-figure elopement business that allows her to split her life between East and West Coast.

Bridget's main role as Community Manager Extraordinaire is to be your voice. She is here to make sure you are finding success and feeling supported along the journey. Community is a huge part of Biz With Boundaries, and I'm excited to have Bridget here to put an even bigger emphasis on it!

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Carissa Chandler: The Ultimate Social Support Coach

Carissa has worked in social media in a corporate setting for years and now has her own business where she works with outdoor brands. She is my personal social media strategist and is here to support you with our constant arch nemesis — social media.

Our goal is to make social fun for you, so it's exciting to hop on and serve your clients instead of just another thing on your to-do list that you dread doing.

AND I can’t leave out the best part - she gives you weekly prompts to help make social planning the absolute easiest thing possible!

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savannah: copy coach

The moment I met Savannah, I knew I needed to have her on my team. Her teamwork attitude along with her extensive background on copywriting for outdoor brands (plus a marketing and advertising degree), is the perfect formula for an absolute powerhouse.

Sav is here to support you and your copywriting needs - whether it's reviewing your website, our monthly copy reviews, pricing guides, needing help with emails? She is here for all of it.

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“I could go on for days talking about how much Kelsey has helped me grow my business and how she has become an invaluable part of my life! When I first reached out to Kelsey I ranked on Google for one word (and I had no idea how I managed to do that), I did not understand the financial side of my business or how to plan for the future, I had an okay knowledge of marketing but didn’t fully grasp the details, and had a lot of self-doubts about how much I could charge and where I was in the industry. After working with Kelsey I now rank on the first page of Google for every keyword regarding my target area, she shared SO many tools with me on how to organize my finances in both my business and personal life, taught me how to forecast for the future and plan my work schedule out to align better with my life goals, I have received a 144% increase in inquiries, and am now in my first six-figure income year. Not only is Kelsey an amazing mentor and coach, but she is also an incredible human being and inspires me in my everyday life as well! If you have the opportunity to learn from Kelsey, DO IT! It’s one of the best things you can do for your business and will help you identify and reach your goals faster than you realize!”

- Bridget

“If you have the opportunity to learn from Kelsey, DO IT! It’s one of the best things you can do for your business”

Ah where to begin! BWB has completely changed my business. 6 years ago I officially created my business and had been doing it alongside my other full time job this entire time. I'm actually floored I considered not doing this program and so freaking glad I trusted her. Each week I learned an enormous amount of content that will forever change the way I navigate my client experience and will forever change the way I am able to challenge myself and constructively improve. Beyond that she's a rockstar mentor. She's there for you and she shows up in so many different ways. I felt taken care of and I felt the passion she had for not just teaching us but making me a stronger business owner. I cannot thank her enough!!!”

- Melanie Brown

"The support Kelsey gives throughout the program is unlike any other workshop or class I’ve ever taken."


In order to ensure that each person receives the personalized attention and feedback they deserve, spots in Biz With Boundaries are limited, and they will be filled on a first come, first serve basis.

If you’re still able to click on the button below and see the application form, that means all 10 spots have not yet been filled! However, if the button below isn’t working, that means all spots have been taken.

join waitlist for BWB! 

A tight-knit community of wedding industry photographers - so you don’t have to go at it alone

All the resources possible - spreadsheets, templates, worksheets, trackers, calendars, and more to make implementation the easiest thing ever

3 exclusive BONUSES - Monthly Marketing Strategy Calendar, Canned Email Guide, + Business Planning Spreadsheet

Apply for your spot in Biz With Boundaries!

Daily coaching support (Mon - Fri) via Slack to receive feedback and get cheered on.

The Biz With Boundaries program (lifetime access)

12+ Live group coaching calls to hold yourself accountable and get your questions answered

2X guest speakers - will lead you through wedding photography-specific business trainings

Homework reviews with personalized feedback

2 incredible support coaches answering your questions and giving tailored feedback

11 Payments of




6 Payments of



In your acceptance email, you’ll be able to choose your payment plan and sign the contract to make it official!


This is important so that I can make sure that you'll be a good fit for the program, and that the program is a good fit for YOUR goals. We are all at different stages, and I want to make sure joining The Mastermind will be a valuable investment.


If I have any clarifying questions about your application, I’ll reach out to you in the DMs. Otherwise, if I feel that this is the right next step for your goals, I’ll send over your acceptance email! (YAY!)


Submitting an application does NOT commit you to the program! It allows us to open up a conversation to see whether this is the right next move for your business or not. There’s no harm in applying if you feel like this is the right move for you but still aren’t 100% sure! :) 

I know you’re hoping that your business is the way it is because “2024 is a weird year”...

I can confidently tell you that your business is the way it is because you aren’t treating it like a BUSINESS. And if you don’t take action to change that, then…

And so will 2027

So will 2026

2025 will look the same

It won’t matter what year it is

You’ll continue to take on low-paying, red-flag clients, and find yourself even more burnt out and resentful at the end of busy season (with what to show for it?)

Drop the scarcity mindset that makes you say yes to every single inquiry and is keeping your prices low…

You’ll continue to compare yourself to what others are doing, look to others for messaging/package/pricing inspiration, and find yourself working towards a dream that isn’t even your own (and you’ll keep sounding like everyone else while you’re at it.)

And craft a customized business strategy that encompasses every dream and wish that you have for YOUR business and life (not someone else’s) so you feel confident AF showing up inside your business because every. single. piece of your business is 100% intentional.

You’ll continue to stress-check your inbox for inquiries, guess at what to do next to try and attract new clients, and post random things on Instagram while crossing your fingers hoping that will do the trick.

Implement tangible marketing tactics and strategies to consistently show up in front of your dream clients, and say what they need to hear in order to fall in love with you (and therefore fill out your inquiry form)...

If you don't take action and…

Make 2024 the year that you finally do what it takes to put in the work that will help you reach your goals and achieve the freedom you’re dreaming of.

sign up fo Biz With Boundaries! 

Q’s others have asked before applying for Biz With Boundaries


What if I can’t make the live coaching calls?

Not a problem at all! They are all recorded so that you can re-watch them when you are free. However, I do encourage you to join the lives when possible since it is better for accountability.



Do I have to be trying to niche into elopements to sign up?

No you do not - you can be a wedding, intimate wedding or an elopement photographer. The education I’ve created is to help create a custom experience, no matter what you are looking to niche into. Everyone’s client experience, avatar, pricing and marketing strategy SHOULD look different. We are all different business owners, and truly I want us all to be different. So no matter if you are planning to use this for your wedding, intimate wedding or elopements business, this is for you.



What if I don’t get everything done in 6 months?

You have lifetime access to all of the recordings in Thrivecart, so you can do the work on your own time. However, you have access to me and the group for 6 months. Having access to ask questions and have support will help you see results faster



I’ve taken online courses before and I never finish them. How will this be different?

Let’s start here - This is not a course. This is a COACHING program that holds you accountable. You’re not just going to click purchase and never hear from me again. While there are various videos to watch, it’s mainly to allow you to have full control of how quickly you want to work on the tasks. Then the time we have together on calls is focused on answering your questions, giving guidance, and creating action plans. You don’t need me to teach these things live. Ultimately, a Mastermind holds you accountable. It’s a way to give you access to answers quicker, and in turn, see results much faster. PLUS, you’ll have two other support coaches in addition to me checking in to make sure that you’re moving forward towards your goals. 



I’m not really great with tech. Will this still work for me?

Yes, absolutely. All of the systems I use are simple to follow. Business can be overwhelming, so all of the videos are no fluff and give you step-by-step tutorials on how to get the work done. The resources I give you are fool proof, and are there to be customizable to how you learn and work. Then the hand-on office hours are incredible to ask me any questions or get through any places that you may be stuck.



I still have a question! Can I DM you?

Absolutely! Don’t hesitate to reach out to me @kelsconverse or hello@kelseyconverse.com if you have any questions at all. I want to make sure you are 100% confident in your decision.



You’ve got two choices

TWO: Apply for your spot in Biz With Boundaries and finally start treating your business like a business… 

Spend the next 6 months setting up automated systems and processes, implementing tangible marketing tactics and strategies, getting over your scarcity mindset, and bringing it all together into a customized business strategy that encompasses every dream and wish that you have for YOUR business and life…

So that you can finally achieve the freedom you’re longing for in your business in life.

ONE: Exit out of this page and keep doing what you’re doing…

Letting your business be in control of you, doing everything manually for every single client, looking at what everyone else is doing, stress-posting on Instagram any time you don’t have inquiries for a few days, doubting yourself and your dreams, and saying yes to red flag clients…

And being in a constant state of burnout, never able to catch up or slow down.

THAT’S what’s waiting for you when you…

And a business that doesn’t require your constant attention but still runs smoothly in the background, consistently bringing dream inquiries into your inbox, while you’re living your life.
Having the time and money to travel for several months every year, the freedom to take random days off, treat your mom to breakfast, meet your girlfriend for a spa day, and your husband for afternoon drinks on a whim…

You KNOW I’m voting for option two, because it comes with:

Fill out this application form here!