Summer 2023 | Kels | White Mountains, New Hampshire USA

we all deserve a life (& biz) we love

With my education, I'm committed to helping photographers build a sustainable business through marketing, client experience and building systems so that you can make more while working less.

i help creatives do just that. 


Summer 2023

WHITE mountain

helping you build a business with boundaries

There’s nothing i love more than

Within a year, I was taking on less, yet making more. I had full control over my schedule, and saying no with confidence and an abundance mindset. I now work less than 30 hours per week, take 5-6 weeks long vacations every year, and have more time to do the things that bring me joy.

I found my version of success. Now my goal is to help others do the same.

Being a business owner can be so dang hard. We wear a million different hats that it can be challenging to find balance of work and personal life.

I hit that point in 2021. I was insanely burnt out, almost putting my camera gear in the closet and finding another way to success. This was until I decided to take a step back, and start focusing on gaining control again.

Hey, I’m Kels!

I worked in the corporate world for 8 years too long. After leaving, I put all my time and efforts into my photography business. Within a year, I had consistent business and was making my financial goal. Within two years, I built a niche business that grew to over 6-figures and quickly allowed me to build a business (and life) that I love.

Entrepreneur: Elopement photographer, Airbnb host, business coach, traveler, quality time spender.

Today, my photography business brings in multiple 6-figures while working less than 30 hours a week.  And now I coach photographers to find their own version of success, and give them the road map to achieve it.

Need to know: 

Maple syrup addict, has traveled to 38 countries and 31 states, will become instant best friends

You Should Know what to expect

If you're wanting to learn more,



I've invested a lot into my own education and experience, and one thing I've been pushing myself to do is make content that is digestible and actionable. I don't want you wasting your time, energy or money - ever.



I pour my all into my students. I genuinely care that each person finds success and reaches their goals. There is room for all of us, and I believe we all deserve it.



Community is my why. My whole life has been revolved around finding a true community in every aspect. My education is no different. I have a judgement free zone, and you will have a community behind you that cheers you on.



I know that finding an educator that you can trust your investment in can be scary. I will never push you into something I don't feel you're ready for, and I'll support you in any way that I can.

let's build a life of success and adventure

i’ll help you make it happen

learn from me